You get paid for how the progeny of your bulls perform. It drives the profitability of your herd.
EPD’s & EBV’s are the best prediction of how the progeny of each new sire will perform for you.
So, to help you make the most accurate selection, we have a genuine commitment to ensuring that all cattle born at Futurity are objectively measured to the highest level.
At Futurity, calves are;
- DNA profiled
- Birth weighted
- Weighed for growth
- Docility scored
- Ultrasound scanned
- Recorded for Stayability.
With the aid of genomic technology and carcase data collection through the JBS Thousand Guineas program Futurity has embarked on a period of accelerated genetic gain.

Each year, with the help of progressive commercial clients and JBS Australia, steers from elite Futurity sires are enrolled in the Thousand Guineas supply chain. The resulting carcase data is entered into the IGS evaluation.
Thank you to the commercial producers and JBS who partner with us in our progeny testing program. The program has allowed us to improve our carcase accuracies and identify bulls out of the program with high carcase merit, and then disseminate these higher accuracy genetics back through the herd.
When you partner with Futurity you can buy with confidence, knowing that we have put our cattle to the test to ensure the most profitable outcomes for your herd.