The cattle are managed in a way to promote a working life. They are run in large mobs under similar conditions. Any animals that do not meet standard or key performance markers are then culled and sold for slaughter. The calves are yard weaned and subject to controlled pressure. If temperament is an issue they are culled no matter how good they may be.

Controlled pressure is also used in the paddock with the use of dogs,horses and bikes.
Selecting cattle for improved temperament has multiple benefits for beef production and animal performance. Good temperament is associated with improved meat quality, feedlot performance, ease of transport and improvements in some reproductive traits.

Fast Facts
- There are many production benefits from breeding cattle with good temperament
- Temperament is heritable, so genetic progress is achievable
- Performance recording Docility data at the time of weaning is the preferred selection tool to genetically improve temperament in cattle

The sale bulls are managed in a way that gives buyers the confidence that they are comparing apples with apples. They are run in one large contemporary group for all their performance recording up to 18 months. They are grazed on forage crops of oats in winter and sorghum or lucern in summer. The sale bulls have all been tested negative to and vaccinated against Bovine Pestivirus also vaccinated for Vibrio, Tick Fever and 7 in 1.