Proud to be a Thousand Guineas Supplier

The Thousand Guineas brand is a premium marble score 2+ product, with outstanding eating quality, underpinned by MSA grading.

Eating quality is the main theme for the premium Thousand Guineas brand. Shorthorn derived feeder cattle (minimum 75% Shorthorn content from British crosses), are fed for a minimum of 130-140 days in JBS Australia feedlots to create a minimum marble score 2 product, targeted for the high end food service sector. Carcasses are aged before the full range of cuts are distributed to the retail sector, both domestically and internationally.

Thousand Guineas has won numerous accolades and enjoyed longevity as a premium beef brand, underpinned by an open texture and a rich buttery flavour which has made it a hit with consumers in high end restaurants including the prestigious Japanese market.

Thousand Guineas continues to showcase both the Shorthorn breed and the passion and dedication of Shorthorn breeders to the world.

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Thousand Guineas become part of the program and gain the premiums