Commercial Profitability

Our number one aim in our cattle breeding program is to breed stock that make the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort and inputs for both ourselves and the breeders using our genetics.

It is easy to focus on thinking that market price is the main driver of profitability, and it is important but there are several other key profit drivers that make a bigger difference to you bottom line. 

Benchmarking clearly shows that the key differences in profitability between the top 25% of beef producers and the rest is how much they produce and how much it costs them to produce it, not premiums.

Important profit drivers for beef cattle enterprises are things that you can control. Rainfall and market price are not in our control. At Futurity our breeding and herd management focuses on optimising the amount of kilos of beef produced per hectare.

Profit Drivers

  • Pregnancy rates

  • Weaning rates

  • Stayability

  • Kilos gain per hectare

Fertility is still the number 1 profit driver in any beef business, but reproductive longevity is also important. Put simply, it costs you money to develop a heifer into a breeding unit and then you must pay her rent each year. It takes to around 6 years of age before commercial breeders see a positive return on their investment and that’s only if she weans a calf every year.

Optimising growth means ensuring cattle grow fast early to maximise turnoff within the target age range, increasing compliance to market and creating more efficient females, to utilise your resources at an optimal level.

Raised in western conditions and rigorously measured, Futurity genetics are designed to increase the profitability of commercial cattlemen and stand the test of time.